Thursday, June 28, 2007

I miss Trini talk

Over the weekend my friend came across this clip on youtube.


Man we had a good laugh on this. Now I know it looks bad on the whole worldwide prospective of things, i.e we can't talk properly or we're aggressive or whatever.
But being in England so long, I have to tell you that it was quite refreshing in a sense to listen to this over and over again. I sent the clip to a couple of my english friends who just didn't understand most of what he said. My thing is the way he said it.

"doh flim meh" "You want me to mash it up ah wha?" "what de mudder c*nt is wrong with allyuh?"

especially the FLIM! LOL we real crack up on this one boy.

This morning I was thinking about stuff I miss hearing -

use of word "dread" started using that one the other day out the blue at work not on purpose, but in an email of all things, and had to go through the motions of explaining that one.

yes oui!

Correct is right


Wham now? I jus dey


use of word 'de'
use of word 'ting'
use of the word c*nt - now I know is a curse word, here its more or less taboo and I forgot how 'beautiful' it could sound when done correctly i.e like in that video clip. esp with the word 'mudder' infront

use of 'haul yuh..' 'hold yuh...'

etc etc

I normally use maco, lime alot and I'm the steupsing queen. One of my real good friends from up here finally figured out the other day what maco means. Took her over a year though but still. I don't think they get what I'm talking about when I use lime AT ALL! I get questioned on it all the time, but its so natural and righteously fitting I'm not replacing it. The steupsing they all seem to get, and some people have even picked it up - not as good though, they're like doing it at the front of their mouths and that is not working. Although I steupsed at my manager the other day and he asked me what is all that about - I just shook my head and walked away. tut tut

Funny enough my pet peeve is people who can't speak properly. I know we have our dialect and that's fine. But people who can't speak properly when its the 'right' time - actually appaul me, and I start to think that they might be illiterate or something. And I really can't stand it on English people because I feel like this is where the language comes from and there is just no need. Thank goodness none of my english friends speak like that cause they wouldn't be my friends it bothers me that much to hear it.

That's all for today folks - see you next time


D Trini in Me said...

And I miss it to!

Icahwait* said...

where are you then?
you tried out facebook yet? some of the other bloggers are on there too.

D Trini in Me said...

Not as yet!

Anonymous said...

That has to be the best clip ever!! "Doh flim meh" I must've played that like 5 times already. LOL