Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Motivation is the key.

Good news,

on Sunday I managed to go running on the common. And for all you masqueraders out there that trying to shed a few before the beloved carnival exercise to some soca. Nothing like it. Make a compilation of your favourites to play on your mp3 or whatever while you doing your exercise. It was real fun. I've done it before but having avoided the running for the last month now, it really helped to get the show on the road. And boy I love my Destra. Let me tell you a lil something about the love..

Last year I went back home for Christmas, first time in my 6 years here being home for christmas time. And let me tell you how I avoided the carnival for so, cause not being there, I just didn't want to know. Back home in Diego for the Xmas 05' having nice time with friends etc, and everything was cool. But as we all know, but I forgot, that after Christmas is Carnival season. This Destra Max it up was my SOLE motivation, hearing it over and over again on the radio, bring back the vibes man. I swear it woulda be road march all kinda ting. I HAD to go back again in February. I came back to England in early January, and one time I tell work I need some time off in February again, have to go back to Trinidad yes. It wasn't even for long, 8 days leave my husband and child and gone. That is how bad I had it. I wasn't expecting to go back out for a while after that Christmas, but once I was there and the soca hit, I was like what the hell I was missing out on these last 6 years boy...
In those 8 days, from the night I reach, I party hard when I tell yuh! Fete for so. Sleep was not an issue. Although I must say, nobody told me that Pier 1 cooler fete turn into a ol n'gr scene. Knew I shoulda gone Soca Monarch instead...steupppsee. I went my first Insomnia too. Getting there and getting back was a problem, a serious problem, especially with my road rage. Played J'ouvert with Tribe. Might play with them again this year who knows.

But This year I doing things properly. Taking my husband and child with me as opposed to abandoning them. 'Him' nah wan play in the carnival. He want to spectate. But I'll rope him in with the j'ouvert, and my son beggin meh to play in the duttiness but he's only 5 so he'll have to hold on. He'll play in kiddies, if I haven't mentioned that already.

And after straying for so long the point was to make a compiliation and go exercising to your fav music, soca or not. That was all the motivation I needed, did 2 laps and all. This is walk, jog and run, not running all the way. I not superhuman just yet. Trying..but not there yet.

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