Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Diego fellas and company

What happened?

As a Diego girl, I was always very proud of the kind of 'talent' that we had down in the west. When I was between the age of 13-18 :

I know alot of Diego fellas
Liked alot of Diego fellas
Had crushes on a few too
and as a result
Hooked up with alot of Diego fellas ( and not necessarily in 'that' way) you get the drift. We cool and ting though no sweat there.

Point is, I was just trawling through the galleries on Triniscene.com, and seeing some of the old fellas nah, l was ike Damn you used to look good what happened? Some of these are familiar on the social scene too. Could name drop but won't.
They just not as hot. And the Vale alone has/had its fair of hotties and man hoes. But looking at them now; too pumped up, too much ras and plaits, they get dry etc etc.Only one or two still have the cut. Mostly I'm just watching the pics and shaking my head.
Back in the day passing through any part of Diego for me was like a sightseeing tour LOL ;-) But in times when I've been back I can't even recognise some people you know is like 'Da is you dey? Wheey'

Now be clear on I not no miss hottie hottie or anything, but I just feel like is a loss of community service.

I know people must catch that sam vibe though, when you see someone from your past and you think Damn what happend to you. Its a shame, damn shame.


Anonymous said...

Ain't that the truth! As a fellow vale-y, (no I don't know anybody living in the vale) I completely agree. Walking 'aimlessly' around the vale on a saturday knowing exactly where we going, i.e. where we likely to get the best gape and ole talk, my friends and I enjoyed our teenaged years. We were never disappointed. Now we see these "super hot/popular" fellas and wonder "Damn what de hell happen to you?" Very disappointing!!

P.s i see that u too are a Hilarian.

Icahwait* said...

And I still wear my school ring taboot. Bishops days were the best days

Icahwait* said...

One of those roads off Diego Martin main road if I remember correctly.
You from the west too?