Thursday, November 16, 2006

5 week plan

Checking the calendar today and its 5 wks till holiday time. I have at least one importantish xmas do and maybe I'd like to buy something new. I was doing ok up till last week or so, but I have a visitor that making me crave - I don't care if its the truth or what, that is my excuse and I'm sticking to it.
Was talking to my friend at work and I was telling her to come up with a plan. I know what I going to be doing in Florida but I ain't want to risk how the aftermath will look in a costume. so I still need to be under a certain weight to be ok when I get back.
Need more motivation. I haven't been to been to both kickboxing & wushu in weeks, it been one or the other. That was because something has always come up, this week I thought I'd have it sorted but no, pain hit I ain't go nowhere. Not sure if I'm going tonight either.
Definately, definately next week both days.
And Lord knows ever since I found these blasted Walkers baked I've put myself in trouble. These potato chips taste like pringles but they're low fat. (1.5 pts if you had to do it weight watchers way) Scrumptious!!! Need to stop buying them. And you get the same effect like you do with pringles - oncce you pop you can't stop.
I really need to print a pic of my costume and put it up at work for these people to understand it yes.

Will have to keep a weekly update if I remember. I'm not going to buy anything new unless I lose the rest and tone up.
I have a haircut in the pipe line too. A bob - I do it every few months can't handle the stupid long hair business as it in a tuck under everyday anyhow. It only stays good for the 1st week.

ah gone


Icahwait* said...

I wasn't sure how to have the hair for carnival and ting, butI just can't handle it no more girl. It has got to go!
Well if you want to cut it, go for it, its not like it wouldn't grow back.
I have a mental note of what I do during the day, and now and again I do write it down just not all the time. It does help though you doh find?

Icahwait* said...

If you think you'll regret it don't do it. But I don't feel there's any harm in trying, but go by a good hairdresser so they don't shit up your head. you know when they have scissors is like free reign

Icahwait* said...

I ain't do it yet, I'm waiting for for a night out so I could feel like a shilling. Although there is the pink concert next week who knows I got paid today so anything is possible.
Whatever you decide make sure you ain't messing up your look for mon & tues

Icahwait* said...

How old are you Kevian and what month?