Sunday, November 05, 2006

Busy Weekend

Doesn't happen very often
Fri night:
Husband & I went to Lilly Allen gig at the Portsmouth Pyramids. Support act was ok, not really my thing but their last 2 songs were really good. They were the New Young Pony Club. Their t-shirts were I *love* N Y P C and I thought it was something else, because I didn't hear them announce themselves lol.

Lilly Allen came on after that. It was a short gig from 8.30 - 11. She had an excellent live band supporting her;trumpet, saxaphone etc. Her music has ska undertones and its quite catchy & easily loveable. My husband is the one who loves her music and I bought the tickets as a surprise.
Pics shall ensue

Sat night:
Went out with a couple of friends. Going out here generally means going to a few bars/pub places before you final destination. Alot of bars/pubs have dancefloors and bear in mind that most places in the Uk close at 2am - 90 something %, by law or something. I do know of at least one place in Southampton which closes at 3 can't remember now, not important.
Trendy bars where everyone stands around looking cool, all dressed up, smoking, drinking and talking over the blaring music. I don't get it personally but whatever.
So we went to a couple of these places first off. The one that had a dancefloor had these young girls who thought they were dancing really seductively to the hip hop music, when in reality it was way too much movement to be possibly dancing in time to any kind of music. Sight for sore eyes.
My friends were busting for a pee and there was a queue for the ladies. They then decided to jump in the mens cubicles. One of the bouncers came along and made a big fuss, while they were locked in and then we got chucked out, or escorted out rather. That was a 1st, never been kicked out anywhere before. All in good fun I suppose.
We then headed on to Ocean& Collins which is the best club for music in Southampton that I've found - lady DJ at that too! We left just after midnight though - age is starting to show lol.

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