Friday, November 10, 2006

Home today

Typical chupidness.
This week I organised a couple of xmas nights out. One of them is for work and I ended up getting up this nice Chinese restaurant in town. Is quite in Dec but places get booked up real quick. Someone went and got a menu and brought it back to work. So since Wed this chinese in my head.
I don't get takeaway often, once in a blue moon if that. So last night man I went and ordered some satay chicken, crispy shredded beef, sweet and sour chicken balls, egg fried rice & noodles.
Had that around 6.30pm. Went to bed just before midnight I was fine. About flicking quarter past 4am my belly is spinnning. Stuepsee. Now I have this acidic taste left in my throat.
To think I wanted it so bad too. Between being tired from broken sleep and the strain on my stomach stayed home today.

Not sure why the satay chicken tasted like curry crab but hey. I love chinese food but I don't have it too much here because it too fresh in a way. And they don't do egg rolls here at all. Sweet and sour is just not the same. Like the one last night all the battered chicken came seperately to the sauce???

Then don't talk bout the indian food. If I was in Trni I not big on it anyhow. But here eng people love a curry. But I fussy and I like the off yellowy/green curry. I don't want it orange and red etc. I'm sure its nice but I prefer to wait till I get home and go in Woodbrook for some. Its like a novelty then. And curry is rice, rice and more rice. The indian food is definately different choices to what we get at home. Yes I stubborn like that.

Hearing parang on Soca 919.


Icahwait* said...

is the nice creole flavour you get in the food that missing. Trini could make a boss fried rice.

Anonymous said...

I have had chinese from the US and from England...they definitely don't compare to our chinese.
And I don't understand the fried rice..I mean how could you just have egg fried rice?
And you are right about that sweet and sour business...meat and sauce separate..I mean, if I wanted fried chicken and sweet and sour sauce Iwould ask for that right?

But in all honestly, the best Chinese that I have had outside of Trinidad is in Berlin, Germany.

(Mind you that there are some places in Trinidad that cyar cook good chinese eh!!)

Icahwait* said...

That real wierd about the sweet and sour. I mean if I go to a Chinese restaurant, the meat and the sauce in one?? why should it be different for takeaway. I miss lemon chicken.
It have places in Trinidad that gone down hill. I used to get WoknRoll all the time. But now when I there I get it from that place in Elersie Plaza I think its called Panda Palace.

Had a real good chinese meal in Belgium once. We had beef, chicken & pork and it was all as tender as you like. Beef and pork is hard to get the right consistancy, but this shit was good!

ttfootball said...

these days I on curry ting, but making my own! Yes I try a ting since I see roti i nthe grocery, yes in the grocery, packaged. They call it "naan". And i using curry from trini so it not too bad, is a good doubles I want as soon as I touch down this xmas!

Icahwait* said...

Hi TT,

I thought naan bread was more bready like. I make my own curry at home sometimes. I don't mind just using any curry powder from the store. These days I'm using schwartz. And I still have some paratha left from when my moms came up :-)
American's big on curry?

ttfootball said...

i doh know if to say americans big on curry, i only 1 hour out of NY and my Uni has lots of Indians, so its pretty diverse around here. They had a Divali thing on campus, like yuh say, the curry was kinda orange looking but it was good tho :)
The naan i get here it like sada roti, I like it, now I doh have to study to make sure I get paratha every time I go visit my folks in NY ;)