Thursday, November 02, 2006

It Biting

Well it was reaall cold yesterday boy, so like it start properly. I looking outside this morning 6:51 am and it have frost on the shed.
So I will have to start wearing my gloves from now it looks like.
My ears were killing me yesterday morning, that is the worse, standing or walking in the cold, and my ears going numb from the pain of the cold. It takes about 10 mins to thaw out once I reach inside, depending on how cold it is.

At least with the clocks going back its not dark all now. But its nighttime real early, I'll try and clock it today.
But the one positive thing is I don't have to wait soo long if I want to call home, 4hrs behind is good for catching up.

1 comment:

Icahwait* said...

that is joke girl. Today I gone in work and the place cold cold. When I saw the the centre manager (she is the 'big' boss) i was told her it real cold in here, where the heating? it wasn't just me, so she fix us up. Not that it was warm, just not as cold. Still had on a long sleeve turtle neck, with a woollen cardigan over it.