Thursday, March 01, 2007

Off your high yet?

I told my work friends that I'll stop talking about Carnival when it gets warm. They're probably sick of me by now. Wait till I get my hands on my Tribe mag to bring it into work a month later after I've been on holiday lol.

I'm taking a break from 24, on series 3 now - too many late nights with this show.

OMG they blocked access to at work as inappropriate material to access while at work lol.

Slobfest is coming to an end. I fell asleep last night thinking I don't want to ruin the weight I'm at. It'll be spring soon enough and that may be a good time to start running again. I'll have a brand new soca list to exercise too :-) Will definately be starting back kickboxing Tues coming. I don't/didn't have a carnival body. I like to maintain this throughout the year. Plus I threw out all my bigger clothes so there's no room for too much slackness, some but not this week long nonsense I've been engaging in.

Big up to Karabana who's got lots of pics up some of which include the Bloggers lime, bloggers on the road mon&tues and her. Some of the people I didn't get to meet in person I saw on her site. I recommend you take a look if you haven't already.

Karabana's Carnival photos

another good site which I told her about which has loads of carnival pics as well is They have it a bit underwraps but they're really clear photos.

Izatrini carnival pics


Karabana said...

I hear ya, I'm supposed to be working solely on my assignments, but I find myself back to blogging, Carni's done, yet I can't stop! :(
It took way longer than it should have to put the album together, had to work out the kinks. Thx 4 the Izatrini headsup... I'm looking 4 your email, don't have it...

Icahwait* said...

hi Kara. I've sent you the email in your blog, thanks again. Thing is with the blogging that there's nothing major to look foward to for a while so it should be easy to slip in and out of it. But where we're all still talking about carnival its not. The longest bit of putting up my photos was sorting through them. We had about 1700 pics this time apparently in our 2 weeks. I need to talk to him about this nonsense.