Sunday, February 25, 2007

Carnival Mon & Tues pics

I'm back on my shows now so I wanted to get all this out of the way as its back to work week.

Right! Carnival Mon I was on a serious high, I couldn't come off it when I had gotten home. Carnival Tues morning was slow and painful but the afternoon picked up a bit, but I'm sure that it would have been a better day had we had the time or opportunity to cross the Savannah 'stage'. Yes it made some difference not having a climax and I think that was missed by me at least on Tues. The foreshore jump was great, but for a las lap it was over all too quickly, even though my feet were grateful. As long as I'm hearing the music all is well, take that out of the equasion and = pain and tiredness. It was Me, Destra- Signs, and IP male masqueraders on the foreshore yes and Tribe ones too ;-) oh my word carnival Mon yes Lawd I could only giggle. And I have come to the conclusion that I need to open a Crop Over fund, I have to go see me some bajans *cough cough* correction I have to go experience the Crop Over festival.
Let me not forget to mention the state my chest is in. I'm officially a scabbo lol! Nowhere else got burnt except my chest and boobies. I have tan lines from my bra top on the road but wheey the chest is hideous!

Besides the QPS thing, my other complaint with Tribe is that even though we love the security, sometimes it overshadows the masqueraders. And it was hard to try and jump behind or even alongside the trucks at times. the sections should be behind the trucks not alongside unless stage crossing or for drinks/food. It ended up half the section on one side, half on the next and a lack of conformity. Plus when you chook up on the side you get stuck inbetween trucks not knowing what to wine to. And that is important.

Note I did not have my camera on the road as I said before. My husband who was observing mas from the savannah took pics and because Tribe didn't cross on Tues there are no Tribe Tues pics. But if you're an Island People masquerader it would be worth you having a look to see if you're on my album as there are loads of IP pics from Tues.
I have tried to narrow them down believe me the Tues folder was 500+ pics alone! There are so many beautiful people (male & female), costumes, funny antics etc that I wanted to keep alot of it. So please persevere and enjoy! BTW Red Ants J'ouvert pics will be up at some point but wasn't taken with the digital and will have to develop them, then scan.

Carnival Monday pics

Carnival Tues pics


Anonymous said...

Wow! Thanks for posting the pics. Hubby did a really good job.

Trinidad Carnival Diary said...

Yup, hubby took lots of pics of some hot ladies lol!! Seriously the pics are really good!

Icahwait* said...

Thanks you'll I'll make sure to tell him. And yes I noticed some of the shots were of a certain nature lol. And imagine I had to filter them down eh. If they were nice enough there's more than one pic you could bet your bottom dollar lol. Not to mention the wining report I got from my son who was with him the whole time. Its ok only because I enjoyed my carnival too much.

Karabana said...

I was gonna say, you really got around!, a tonne of pics, but then as I'm going through 'em, thought hmmmm... w the cleavage shots, musta been her hubby takin pics. LOL!
LOL over the guy in the gold bikini bottom!! & the gyrl in the gold thong that shouldn't be, tsk tsk.
But what about pics of you??
I agree w you on Tribe security & I found they were being overly strict with their masqueraders, um, it's the public you have to keep an eye on!

Karabana said...

My pics R up on my blog! :)