Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Why is it still cold?

Last week I thought that 'yes, finally' spring is more or less here. I'd stand by the bus stop or on the school playground and I'd feel the warmth of the sun hitting my skin.

That was last week. This week so far we've had some pelting hail stones off and on, rain, cold, 2 mins of snow WTF????????????????????

I had to a whole go back to layered clothes and wintercoat, and even gloves this afternoon, although I wish I wore them yesterday. steupseee.

Not impressed. How does it go from 15-17 degrees in the afternoon last week to 5-7 degrees this week. Not a happy bunny.

over and out.


Karabana said...

I know, spring is screwy. Fri. was 13, so nice & sunny, my run was fantastic. Then today it's 3, & our walk was brrrr.....
March is never a good weather month.

buublenut said...

So how did your eyes work out on da road??

Icahwait* said...

Kara I understand why March isn't good weather but its nearly April now I don't like being teased by nice days then back with the winter coat on others you know.
haven't started my running yet still waiting.

Icahwait* said...

Buuble the eyes were ok. constantly had sunglasses on omg! The brightness was intense it took a few days well to get used to it.

buublenut said...

Glad everything is ok with them though

I will be back to read all your entries I missed soon :)

Karabana said...

It was "officially" spring on the 21st, but yeah, coat one day, just a sweater the next. Yesterday on our walk it was 17!