Thursday, May 31, 2007


'learning' random stuff about self. do silly quizzes on this site.

Quiz: What does your birthdate mean?

***Your Birthdate: July 31***

You're a pretty traditional person. If it's lasted, it's probably good.
You seek stability - both in your career and your romantic relationship.
In return, you're very loyal and predictable. Which is usually a good thing.
Without a partner, you feel lost. Being with someone is very important to you.

Your strength: Your dependability

Your weakness: You hate being alone

Your power color: Midnight blue

Your power symbol: Shell

Your power month: April

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

pretty much works for me.

Quiz: What kind of panties are you? (LOL)
***You Are Basic Panties***

You are a laid back chick with a real natural beauty.
You can make unwashed hair and minimal make-up super sexy.
Men tend to notice you show the "real you" - and they appreciate it.
And while basic makes boring for some, it looks classic on you.

Quiz 3: What colour car should you drive?

***You Should Drive a Black Car***

You're the type of driver who's totally dominant and even a bit aggressive.
You see the road as a "dog eat dog" world... and you're not about to get eaten!
You like to drive a vehicle that conveys power. Big engine. Big price tag.
You rule the road - and you like everyone to know it.

What Color Car Should You Drive?

My exotice dancer name is Jaguar
My porn star name is J-ho


Karabana said...

J-Ho, LOL!

Icahwait* said...

yeah you should go on there when you're bored. they're all silly but funny