Thursday, May 03, 2007

Its just gone 6am. RAH! steupseeeeeeeee

At about 2.15am my husband got out of bed this morning, and I haven't been back to sleep since. Its going to be a long day. After the clock said 5.00am I thought I'd better get up and be useful because if I go back to sleep I'd be out for the count. STeupseee!
Had breakfast, thought I'd watch latest episode of 24 to help, but that show is just not the same if you're not watching it back to back.

Orange Wed last night and we saw 'Next'. I'm not sure what is going on with Nicholas Cage's hair, (Kara do you?) He looked good in Ghost Rider but not this time. Anyhow if you happen to watch it, I'd appreciate views on the ending.
Actually went to cinema to watch Perfect Stranger but I got there late. steupseee! An actual combination of actors that I would like to see Bruce and Halle. I bet you by next Wed it won't be showing anymore steupppseeeeee. Spiderman this weekend - doing that one family style. And Pirates of the Caribbean at the end of the month can't wait to see Johnny and Orlando for a couple of hours whoooo Lordee.

Weight & Exercise
I've more or less started a running club on thurs even lol. Its cool though. Tonight there should be about 6 of us. I've gotten to doing exercise about 3 times a week now. kickboxing Tues as usual, Thurs running, and one day weekend running. If I run on Sat that would normally be my 'training' for the race for life in July. But I really prefer my Sun eve where I can just incorporate and 'end of weekend take off the junk start the week right' run. I must say I've improved on the distance I can run (or I should really say jog) without stopping. My stomach gets a proper workout from it as well and tends to tighten up- its all good. I'm very proud. Its been great to do it with friends esp where the weather here has been especially nice for May low 20's hitting up to about 26 degrees. Although I have to say in the mornings going to work I put the soca on and try to create a state of delusion and pretend its hot but it doesn't work :-(
Weight loss from 11st 2lbs to 10st 11lbs. Eating better and trying to make the right choices even when I have those let me snack and leave me alone moments. And its working. I could very much see myself doing this every year Apr/ May - Oct exercise, enjoy outdoors and looking good for summer. Winter - relax exercise once a week.
Want to do some swimming next. And def try and get some rackets. I'll try and blag that as a birthday pressie as the procrastination of actually getting around to playing tennis might take that long.
Spa break in a couple of weeks. and we've already planned out how to do the 'bad' and even up with good.

Have a good day people, I know I won't


Karabana said...

Way to go w your training, sounding great!!!!!
I looked up Nic's new hair, ugh, apparently a bad hair piece. I love his acting, his films aren't always the best, but he mostly does a great job.

You mean "sweetheart" Christian??
Gotta luv it, huh?, what you see is what you get, I laugh over the shows that open w him banging someone.
...I must have missed the last few shows... but don't tell me what happened!
Here's to the rest of your day perking up! :-)

D Trini in Me said...

Keep on going with your excersise sounds like you doing great!

Icahwait* said...

Thanks d trini. I feel really proud.

Hey Kara Christian is mine hands off!! lol he's the only hairy exception to the rule

Karabana said...

LMfreakinAO!!!!!! Hah, that's so true!!! Ok, I'll take Sehawn ;-)

Icahwait* said...

Sean's a goody two shoes, although he has had his moments