Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Browsing Triniscene take 2

OK somebody really needs to advertise the fact that just because it looking a little longer than usual doesn't make it a dress. It still supposed to be a top. Some people rocking it, and the others well made me write this post.

And on the other hand. The colour red is really working. It looks great with just about everything and gives it that extra glam. If you think you were being too cor-ordinated wear something red. I can't say that I've seen it look bad once. Not just on triniscene, but its the going thing here too for a little while.
Just yesterday on my swimming run I saw another mum in a cream cardy, blue slimfit kickflares and some high heeled red pointy boots. It came together nicely. Not something I'd wear to take what was her 3 children in tow for swimming lessons however she looked good.

Personally I don't own anything red. That may change but it may be a very bold if I do.

1 comment:

Icahwait* said...

The ones I talking about had on no skirts, no shorts. The minis with the long tops are cool as well, especially if you wear you hip belt with it. But them other people need some advice, thing is if you going out with your gf they can't let you leave the house like that.