Thursday, April 12, 2007

British Citizenship test.

I passed! I bought the book Sat and somewhere between Mon and this morning I managed to prepare myself.

I had to go to Portsmouth to do test. It was £34 and the test is 24 multiplechoice questions and they give you 45mins to complete it. I will gloat and add that I finished the test and double checked my work with 39mins to spare.

The topics covered in the study guide were:

1 - A Changing Society - basically about how, when, who, why migration began. Women and children in society
2 - Britain today: a Profile - ALOT about the census from 2001. Population, tradition, customs, religion
3 - How Britain is Governed - self explanatory
4 - The Formal Institutions - again government/monarchy related stuff
5 - Devolved Administration - government etc again which also includes the Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland ( for those of you that don't know the United Kingdom/Britain is made up of the 4 countries in one - England, Wales, Scotland & Northern Ireland)
6 - Britain in Europe & the World - Basically about Britain and the EU, Britain and the Commonwealth & Britain and United Nations
7 - The Ordinary Citizen - political rights of ordinary citizens

Not sure why knowing about the population in Wales back in 2001 is relevant, or what relevance knowing when women first gained the right to divorce their husbands in the uk is? But I have learned alot of new facts.

1840's - famine in Ireland
1857- women could divorce their husbands
1882- women could keep their earnings and assets when they marry
1918- women could vote
1928- women could vote same age as men
1948- UK invited people from Ireland and W.I to help rebuild after the war

I also learned about the National days for each country and Patron Saints that go with them. England is St.George on 23rd April.
Learned the difference between the House of Lords and the House of commons. etc etc


buublenut said...

Do you have facebook??

Can you please update my ulr link on your page to

Thanks so much


Icahwait* said...

no I don't use facebook yet

I have updated your link