Monday, April 09, 2007

We won

Sunderland wins 2-1! I was sat in the Home supporters only section, so I couldn't express my glee quite as freely. Didn't want anybody to go all Greenstreet on my ass.

I wore my TT flag tee-shirt. Its a top that is the image of our flag in full basically. During half time this guy comes up to me just to make sure that is really a trini he spotted. Sure nuff. He was from TT too there with his kids etc etc. While he was talking to us, my son piped up " I'm from Trinidad too", never mind he was born here, but I'm so proud of him for thinking like that anyway :-)
He gave me his number, so I guess sometime in the future I'll get to know a Trini in Southampton.

Carlos Edwards was the man of the hour, Dwight ain't do nuttin special.


Anonymous said...

Carlos' goal was a screamer.. he even got an interview with Sky sorts last night.... nice.. hope to see all three of them in the Prem next season

Icahwait* said...

He was man of the match I heard at work today. They weren't impressed with my gloating, seeing as I live in Southampton and all lol.
He's got some skills and speed.

Anonymous said...

is Kenwyn still at southampton... and is he getting any sweat?

you have to enjoy these days when yuh get them cause they are few and far between.

buublenut said...

Thanks fo asking about my leg - I'm moving around ok, just not as quickly as usual. Yesterday was the first day I skipped since it happened and I am surprised I could do it (mind you it was 3 jumps on the good leg to every one on the bad but I still did it) My coach told me to try it out and that my leg would speak to me if I couldn't do it LOL

I just don't give up - I love boxing so much that when I'm not doing it I go nuts :)

So now that my leg is getting better I have another problem lol ready for this one - last night I was sparing (yes with my damn leg) and one of the punches that landed in my face must of ruptered a blood vessel in my eye because my right eye has this damn red mark in it. It dosen't hurt though, never felt a thing - it reminds me of when I had the eye surgery - you know those red marks. Oh well - war wounds, what can I saw - I'm a solder.

ttfootball said...

that game was fantastic. sunderland was SO happy to have carlos back and with good reason!
I watched it online. great game!

Icahwait* said...

Dre as far as I know Kenwyn is still at Southampton. I have to mention I'm not big into slub footie, but I thought if i had to really support any English team it would be Sunderland, and as they were down here why not? i'm waiting on Euro Cup.

Icahwait* said...

Buuble omg you're sustaining injuries for so. You had to go to the doc etc for the eye? p.s your coach sounds like drill sargent. What the hell lol your leg will talk to you lol. omg

Icahwait* said...

tt- Carlos was the game!

buublenut said...

YEP LOL my leg will talk to me, in otherwords you will hear the pain if you can't do it. He is drill sarget, ask Kara she was coming before Carnival. I love him though - been training with him for years